"I just wanted to comment that one of my most dearly loved hymns is the Palestrina setting of 'Jesu, Rex Admirabilis'! It was sung at my first solemn Mass. Unfortunately, on the ship we can't open audio/video files from the internet (as you no doubt remember)--at least it takes a geological era for them to download. So, if you have the time--I know you have the know-how--could you send me an email with an audio recording (WMP type file) of 'Jesu, Rex Admirabilis'? Please? By the way, I was unable to get pictures of the Sunday sung Mass.
God bless, keep up the good work of your blog!
Carolus Sac."
Do any of our BrevRom readers know how to make the wmp file Father Johnson is requesting? Yours truly remains in many ways technologically challenged and would be grateful for the assist. Also, check again for more Sunday liturgy photos coming soon,we hope, from USS TR once certain technological impediments, such as dying camera batteries, are removed.