L'altare, illuminato dalle sole candele, e preparato per la Santa Messa "Rorate" celebrato sul 18 dicembre, il giorno secondo della novena Natalizia, a la Chiesa di Santa Giusta a Gesico, Sardegna. Grazie a Don Luca, parroccho.
The altar in this photo, illuminated only by candlelight, is prepared for the Mass "Rorate Caeli" of December 18, the second day of the Christmas novena, at the church of Santa Giusta in Gesico, Sardinia. Thanks to Fr Luca, pastor.
Durandus on the Fourth Sunday of Advent
Of old, the Jews sounded trumpets to invite men to weddings, and to solemn
feasts, and to move their camp; wherefore, now the Lord has commanded the
3 hours ago